Friday, July 29, 2022

Poll Results July 2022

This is a copy and paste version of the Patreon poll results for July 2022. My Patreon is set to patrons only, so I am posting this here for non-patrons to be able to view the results.



Let's get to the results!

1 patron: I would be interested in YCH
1 patron: I would be interested in a new game auction
5 patrons: Not interested in any of the above

I'm not adding additional votes to this poll because it's about engagement. Not enough people are interested in YCHs or a new game auction, so I will not be doing those at this time.

7 votes: Yes (replace polls over 2 years or older)
4 votes: Yes (replace polls over 1 year or older)
0 votes: No (do not create new polls to replace old polls)
0 votes: No preference/I don't care

I will make new polls to replace the polls that are 2 years or older.

Hairy Otter: 13 votes
Royal Hotty: 5 votes

Hairy Otter will receive an update in Boyfriend Summon within the next few days.

8 votes:
7 votes:
Mythological Creatures
Overly Long Descriptive Transformations
Slime/Goo/Lube Monsters
6 votes:
Transformations Based Off Stats
5 votes:
4 votes:
Horns & Antlers
Transformed By Computer Program
Walrus, Sea Lion, Seal
Wild Canines (Canini)
3 votes:
Break into Drone Hive
Game featuring Multiple Characters from my other games
Haunted Fursuits
Inflatable Pool Toys
Latex Dog Mask
Level Drain
Pygmy (Small) Species
2 votes:
Foot Fetish
Transformation Pods
1 vote:
Additional Dragon Heads
Asymptomatic Carriers Causing Symptomatic Transformations To Others
Kaiju (Giants)
Macro Penis
Shapeshifting Jinn (Djinn)
0 votes:
Body/Mind Swap
Chatbox Stream Viewer Transformations
Eagle, Falcon, Hawk
Ghost Hunters
Long Tongue
Magic Show
Pledge Night
Prehensile Tail
Vampire's Castle
Wearing tf Condoms

12 themes received zero votes and will be removed. 30 themes received at least two votes and will be moving to the August Monthly Popular Game Poll. 8 themes received one vote and move on to a mini tie breaking poll against Reality Game Show & Toy Store. The poll will start July 29 with results revealed on August 3. The top five in the mini poll will move on to the August Monthly Popular Game Poll. The top two themes in the August Monthly Popular Game Theme Poll will move on to the September Monthly New Game Poll, and the winner of the September Monthly New Game Poll will become a new game in October.

20 votes:
Dino Island Escape (includes 16 carryover votes)
15 votes:
Vial Testing (includes 15 carryover votes)
9 votes:
Deer Chosen One (includes 9 carryover votes)
Love Arrows (includes 9 carryover votes)
8 votes:
A Pet Project For Science (includes 7 carryover votes)
Fur Friend Fantasy (includes 7 carryover votes)
The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro (includes 6 carryover votes)
Transforming Rings (includes 8 carryover votes)
4 votes:
Board Bliss Blast (includes 4 carryover votes)
2 votes:
Boyfriend Summon Sexual Content Order (includes 0 carryover votes)
Boyfriend Summon Transformation Content Order (includes 0 carryover votes)
1 vote:
Kobold County Bar (upgrade) (includes 0 carryover votes)
0 votes:
Boyfriend Summon Chronological Choice Order
Boyfriend Summon Version Edition Order

Dino Island Escape will receive a Scene Selection Generator in August! All other votes will be carried other to the August Monthly New Scene Selection Generator Poll.

13 votes:
Dragon Watching (includes 11 carryover votes)
6 votes:
Boyfriend Summon Sexual Content Order (includes 0 carryover votes)
2 votes:
Boyfriend Summon Transformation Content Order (includes 0 carryover votes)
The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro (includes 2 carryover votes)
1 vote:
Deer Chosen One (includes 1 carryover vote)
Love Arrows (includes 16 carryover vote)
0 vote:
A Pet Project For Science
Anthro Love
Boyfriend Summon Chronological Choice Order
Boyfriend Summon Version Edition Order
Fur Friend Fantasy
Vial Testing

Dragon Watching will receive a Strategy Guide in August! All other votes will be carried other to the August Monthly New Strategy Guide Poll.

75 votes:
Smashing Stag Party (includes 69 carryover vote)
52 votes:
Werewolf Wake (includes 48 carryover vote)
48 votes:
Minotaur Maze Madness (includes 42 carryover vote)
38 votes:
The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro (includes 34 carryover vote)
37 votes:
Anthro Love (includes 34 carryover vote)
Ditch or Hitch (includes 35 carryover vote)
31 votes:
Kobold County Bar (includes 31 carryover vote)
29 votes:
Tomb Trap (includes 26 carryover vote)
28 votes:
Board Bliss Blast (includes 21 carryover vote)
26 votes:
Boyfriend Summon (includes 20 carryover vote)
16 votes:
Were Tent (includes 16 carryover vote)
15 votes:
Dragon Watching (includes 12 carryover vote)
Transforming Rings (includes 15 carryover vote)
13 votes:
Love Arrows (includes 12 carryover vote)
12 votes:
Dino Island Escape (includes 12 carryover vote)
11 votes:
Vial Testing (includes 11 carryover vote)
8 votes:
A Pet Project For Science (includes 8 carryover vote)
Tavern Tricks (includes 7 carryover vote)
5 votes:
Deer Chosen One (includes 2 carryover vote)
Fur Friend Fantasy (includes 5 carryover vote)
4 votes:
Furry Farm Frenzy (includes 4 carryover vote)
3 votes:
Pup in the Park (includes 0 carryover vote)

Smashing Stag Party and Werewolf Wake receive the top two most votes and move on to a mini poll. All other votes are carried over to the next monthly poll. The winner of the mini poll will receive a game update in August. The poll will start July 29 with results revealed on August 3. Let's find out what content would be included for each update!

11 votes:
Sea Lion (Male) and Otter (Male)
5 votes:
Peacock (Male) and Parrot (Male)
3 votes:
Cobra (Male) and Rattlesnake (Male)
Walrus (Male) and Penguin (Male)
Owl (Female) and Hawk (Female)
Scottish Wildcat (Female) and Pallas's Cat (Female)
Cheetah (Male) and Jaguar (Female)
Elephant (Male) and Bear (Female)
Impala (Male) and Gazelle (Female)
Quakka (Male) and Squirrel (Female)
Tanuki (Male) and Raccoon (Female)
2 votes:
Baboon (Male) and Gorilla (Male)
Dik-dik (Male) and Musk Deer (Male)
Goat (Male) and Donkey (Male)
Pelican (Male) and Kingfisher (Male)
Python (Male) and Rhino (Male)
Spider (Male) and Firefly (Male)
Tortoise (Male) and Hedgehog (Male)
Whale (Male) and Dolphin (Male)
0 votes:
Beaver (Female) and Goose (Female)
Crocodile (Male) and Potoo (Female)
Horse (Male) and Giraffe (Female)
Lobster (Male) and Crab (Female)
Rat (Male) and Pig (Female)
Tamandua (Male) and Giant Anteater (Female)

Sea Lion (Male) and Otter (Male) wins and will represent Smashing Stag Party in the mini poll for the content that would be included in the game.

10 votes:
More Threesome Scenes
7 votes:
Avoid Dying Mode
Item Transformation
4 votes:
Final Person Mode
3 votes:
Always Be Werewolf Mode
Find Items in Peaceful Rooms
2 votes:
Female Protagonist
1 vote:
Abigail/Andrew Night 1 Scene
Sex Change Werewolf tf Endings
0 votes:
Contagious Werewolf & Killer Werewolf

More Threesome Scenes wins and will represent Werewolf Wake in the mini poll for the content that would be included in the game.

11 votes: New Big Cats game (WIP title: Growing Cat Island)
7 votes: New Lizards & Reptiles game (WIP title: Herping Havoc)
4 votes: New Foxes game (WIP title: Fox Maze Ball)
0 votes: New Australian Animals game (WIP title: Aus3lia)
I will work on the big cats wip game in August after I complete the new game update (Smashing Stag Party or Werewolf Wake), the scene selection generator (Dino Island Escape), and the strategy guide (Dragon Watching).

That's it for the monthly poll results!


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