Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 2021 Monthly Poll Results

 Each month, I have a set of polls on Patreon. There were a few ties. Boyfriend Summon and Pup in the Park both won game updates. Pup in the Park won more CYOA scenes. Boyfriend Summon had a tie between potential future boyfriend A Dashing Gentleman versus more scenes for A Slutty Fox boyfriend. If you wish to break the tie, then become a polling patron to my Patreon before August 3rd.

The below is a copy and paste of all the poll results. Being a patron is required to view posts on Patreon.

Let's get to the results!

Writing Contests? results! This is the only poll this month in which I'm not adding doublers, triplers, etc., based off tiers because I need to know the actual number of people that will participate.
3 patrons: Yes. Host writing contests (I would watch and not write).
1 patron: Yes. Host writing contests (I might enter and write).
1 patron: No. Do not host writing contests.

Nobody voted for "Yes. Host writing contests (I would enter and write)." I will not be hosting writing contests because not enough people have said they would write and enter.

12 votes: Yes, Make Update Posts Visible To All Patrons.

The poll is unanimous, nobody voted for "No. Update Posts should only be visible based off tier." In August, I'll start making the old Update Posts visible to all patrons (Note: the WIPs will not be visible to all patrons as I will have the WIPs be in separate game folder posts visible based off tiers). The future update posts I will make visible to all patrons when I post them.

7 votes: Yes, add patrons' names to opening credits of games.
1 vote: No, do not add patrons' names to games.

I will add patrons' names to the opening credits of my future game (Note: the name you request to appear in the opening credits does not need to match the name that appears on your Patreon account). There will be some rules. To have your name appear in the credits (all prices below are listed in USD, I'll list the specific tiers in a future post about this): 
#1: currently be a patron of mine for 12 months or longer in a row if in a $1 tier; OR
#2: currently be a patron of mine for 10 months or longer in a row if in a $2 tier; OR
#3: currently be a patron of mine for 8 months or longer in a row if in a $3 tier; OR
#4: currently be a patron of mine for 6 months or longer in a row if in a $4 tier; OR
#5: currently be a patron of mine for 4 months or longer in a row if in a $5 or up tier.
If you cancel your patron membership and later become a patron again in another month, then the previous months of your earlier membership pre-cancellation will not be counted. If you switch between tiers, then the months you are in a higher tier can be added to the months you were in a lower tier to reach the lower tier's months requirement (for example: If you were in a $1 tier for 7 months and then switched to a $2 tier and are in the $2 tier for 5 months, then you will meet the first requirement of being a patron for 12 months in a row).
I will send you a message when requesting the name you would like to appear in the credits. Additionally, I can include a link to a website of your choice that you would like included next to your name if:
#1: You already fulfilled one of the above requirements for your name to appear in the opening credits; AND
#2: You have spent at least $100 (excluding taxes) in total on your membership to my Patreon.
I'll use Patreon to calculate the total. If you pay in a different currency than USD, then I will use the amount that Patreon converts the currency to at the time of each specific payment. Note: If you cancel your patron membership and later become a patron again in another month, then the amount spent in previous months will be counted towards the total (unlike the rule for number of months needed to be a patron to have your name included).
You do not need to memorize any of this or keep track of any of this. I'll send out messages at the beginning of each month for patrons who reach any of the requirements. Your name will only appear in opening credits for games made after you reach the requirement. If you later cancel your patronage, then your name will be removed from future game credits. I will not put your name in the opening credit if you request to not be included (or if you ignore all my messages about the subject). You are allowed to appear as Anonymous in the opening credits.

6 votes: Keep it the same: Two monthly game update winners
2 votes: One monthly game update winner and new poll for which queue update to complete first

For this month I will have two monthly game update winners and will have two monthly game update winners in August. After that, I will change it to one monthly game update winner a month if I still have a huge queue because I want my queue to be fully completed before the end of the year.

9 votes:
8 votes:
6 votes:
5 votes:
4 votes:
3 votes:
2 votes:

Only one option received zero votes and will not be put on the poll again. There isn't a clear winner, so I will make a poll with just Stag, Fox, Bear, Tiger, and Lion and ask which choice should be the next to have a tier be renamed after one of them.

6 votes:
Pup in the Park
Smashing Stag Party
5 votes:
A Pet Project For Science
4 votes:
Minotaur Maze Madness
2 votes:
Tomb Trap
1 vote:
Love Arrows

There is a tie between Pup in the Park and Smashing Stag Party. We will have a mini runoff poll between the two to break the tie. The poll will be between July 29th - August 2nd with results revealed on August 3rd.

11 votes:
RPG Tiers/Classes
7 votes:
Null Nub on Crotch
6 votes:
Kink Color-Coded Handkerchiefs
5 votes:
Small Dom Big Sub
Temporary Transformations
4 votes:
Dog Catcher
3 votes:
Animals with Hand Flippers
Break into Drone Hive
Caught in a Trap
Experiencing Same tf as Partner
Inflatable Pool Toys
Phone Sex
Trash Animals
2 votes:
Smelly Animals
Spin the Bottle
1 vote:

Only one theme did not receive any votes and will not return on any future polls. RPG Tiers/Classes is the winner and will appear on the August Monthly Popular Game Theme Poll with past popular game themes (Australian Animals; Bats; Big Cats; Centaurs; Choose Your Fighter; Dreaming of an Incubus; Haunted House; Magic Duel; Mice & Rats; Muscle & Fat Gain/Loss; Naga; Poisons & Antidotes; Sharks; Slow Transformations; Spiders: Villain; Were-creatures; Wolves; Bear; Circus; Orc; Pledge Night; Reality Game Show; Toy Store).
The top two in the August Monthly Game Theme Poll will advance to the September Monthly New Game Poll. 
The October Monthly New Game Theme Poll will feature the themes that did not win the July Monthly New Game Theme Poll (Null Nub on Crotch; Symbiote; Kink Color-Coded Handkerchiefs; Rabbits; Small Dom Big Sub; Devils; Horses; Temporary Transformations; Dog Catcher; Animals with Hand Flippers; Break into Drone Hive; Caught in a Trap; Experiencing Same tf as Partner; Gargoyles; Inflatable Pool Toys; Mustelids; Phone Sex; Satyrs; Trash Animals; Merfolks; Smelly Animals; Spin the Bottle; Pigs).
I have a patron in a Game Theme tier who hasn't used their special reward power this month, so it is possible that one game theme can advance to the next poll if the reward is spent that way.

21 votes:
Boyfriend Summon (includes 9 carryover votes)
17 votes:
Pup in the Park (includes 8 carryover votes)
11 votes:
Ditch or Hitch (includes 2 carryover votes)
Dragon Watching (includes 8 carryover votes)
10 votes:
Anthro Love (includes 5 carryover votes)
Werewolf Wake (includes 10 carryover votes)
7 votes:
A Pet Project For Science (includes 3 carryover votes)
Dino Island Escape (includes 4 carryover votes)
Kobold County Bar (includes 4 carryover votes)
6 votes:
Transforming Rings (includes 6 carryover votes)
5 votes:
Vial Testing (includes 5 carryover votes)
4 votes:
Tomb Trap (includes 2 carryover votes)
3 votes:
Fur Friend Fantasy (includes 3 carryover votes)
Minotaur Maze Madness
2 votes:
Love Arrows (includes 1 carryover vote)
1 vote:
Board Bliss Blast
The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro (includes 1 carryover vote)

Boyfriend Summon and Pup in the Park win the poll and will receive updates! The rest of the games that received votes will have all their votes carried over to the August Monthly Game Updates Poll. 

9 votes:
A Dashing Gentleman (New Boyfriend)
A Slutty Fox (More Fox Boyfriend Scenes)
8 votes:
A Wizard (New Boyfriend)
7 votes:
A Cowboy (New Boyfriend)
A Catty Twink (More Cat Boyfriend Scenes)
6 votes:
A Funky Skunk (New Boyfriend)
A Long Stallion (New Boyfriend)
A Perfect Wingman (New Boyfriend)
5 votes:
A Chubby Bear (More Bear Boyfriend Scenes)
A Ripped Surfer (More Shark Boyfriend Scenes)
4 votes:
A Huge Himbo (More Tiger Boyfriend Scenes)
A Royal Hotty (More Dragon Boyfriend Scenes)
3 votes:
A Drunk Hunk (New Boyfriend)
A Romantic Poet (New Boyfriend)
A Talented Artist (New Boyfriend)
A Gym Rat Or Bunny (More Rat & Rabbit Boyfriends Scenes)
A Hairy Otter (More Otter Boyfriend Scenes)
2 votes:
A Speed Demon (New Boyfriend)
A Bodybuilding Beast (More Orc Boyfriend Scenes)
A Musky Muscleman (More Gnoll Boyfriend Scenes)
1 vote:
A Pizza Delivery Man (New Boyfriend)
A Smart Scientist (New Boyfriend)
A Smooth Operator (New Boyfriend)
A Badass (More Donkey Boyfriend Scenes)
A Young Pup (More Dog Boyfriend Scenes)

We have a tie between A Dashing Gentleman (New Boyfriend) and A Slutty Fox (More Fox Boyfriend Scenes). We will have a mini runoff poll between the two to break the tie. The poll will be between July 29th - August 2nd with results revealed on August 3rd.

12 votes:
More CYOA scene choices
10 votes:
Penis settings
9 votes:
More human characters to transform
8 votes:
Bad Endings
7 votes:
Taur content
More dog characters
4 votes:
More body types
3 votes:
Breasts settings
1 vote:
Tiny toy height option

Pup in the Park will receive more CYOA scene choices in the next update!

That's all for the monthly  poll results! I will make a few mini polls as a result of some of the poll results. New monthly polls in August will be created August 3rd and will have their results revealed on August 29th. I posted the Boyfriend Summon Scene Selection Generator Version 1.13 today, so the biweekly WIP update will be posted sometime within 24 hours from now after I get more stuff written for the Deers game. Monthly WIP update will be posted on July 31/August 1 depending on patron's timezone.

Current Queue:
New Deers game (will be done at the end of July or in August); New Lizards & Reptiles game; New Foxes game
Tomb Trap update (find Anubis worshipers); Ditch or Hitch update (play as hitchhiker); Furry Farm Frenzy (ability for protagonist to transform); Pup in the Park (more CYOA scene choices); Boyfriend Summon update (content to be decided by tie-breaking poll)
A new Scene Selection Generator (game to be decided by tie-breaking poll); Boyfriend Summon Strategy Guide

Here is a list of polls that are still open!
A Pet Project For Science Poll  (I will close the next time APPFS is chosen for an update)
Anthro Love Poll (I will close the next time AL is chosen for an update)
Board Bliss Blast Poll (I will close the next time BBB is chosen for an update)
Dino Island Escape Poll (I will close the next time DIE is chosen for an update)
Dragon Watching Poll (I will close the next time DW is chosen for an update)
Fur Friend Fantasy Poll (I will close the next time FFFantasy is chosen for an update)
Furry Farm Frenzy Poll (I will close the next time FFFrenzy is chosen for an update)
Kobold County Bar Poll (I will close the next time KCB is chosen for an update)
Love Arrows Poll (I will close the next time LA is chosen for an update)
Minotaur Maze Madness Poll (I will close the next time MMM is chosen for an update)
Smashing Stag Party Poll (I will close the next time SSP is chosen for an update)
Tavern Tricks Poll (I will close the next time TavernT is chosen for an update)
The Thirteen Heroes of Isidoro (I will close the next time TTHOI is chosen for an update)
Tomb Trap Poll (I will close the next time TombT is chosen for an update)
Transforming Rings Poll (I will close the next time TR is chosen for an update)
Vial Testing Poll #1 (I will close the next time VT is chosen for an update)
Vial Testing Poll #2 (I will close the next time VT is chosen for an update)
Vial Testing Poll #3 (I will close the next time VT is chosen for an update)
Werewolf Wake Poll (I will close the next time WW is chosen for an update)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Boyfriend Summon Scene Selection Generator

Boyfriend Summon Scene Selection Generator is now up on Patreon for all patrons! You can now get to all the endings without having to make CYOA decisions!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Boyfriend Summon Version 1.13

A public update to my mostly gay male/male Choose Your Own Adventure transformation furry sex text game/story.

You are single and bored! How do you fix this? You decide to purchase a magic book and summon the boyfriend of your dreams!

You start with the choice of summoning one of fourteen different dream boyfriend types. The choices you make will likely result in at least one transformation to you and/or your new boyfriend. Mostly M/M pairing and sex scenes, but a few choices will result in sex changes (which includes F/M, M/F, and F/F pairings) and there are a few group scenes with more than two characters. There are a few bad endings. The bear, pup, and royal hotty tend to have the weirder fetish scenes.


I've uploaded Version 1.13 of Boyfriend Summon.

What's new:

12 new huge himbo scenes (added thanks to a patron in a Boyfriend Summon tier choosing the huge himbo to receive new scenes)


Play online (free):


Download links:

mega (free. Note: I can't upload on mega after so many months without new referrals. If you don't have an account, you can use my referral ):

Discord (free. Just join, go to dl-game-links, and click download in the bottom right corner underneath Boyfriend Summon Version 1.13):

Patreon ($1 & up monthly members):





This is my last public update for July 2021. If you want more new content of my games before August, then become a patron to my Patreon and receive content of my games before they're released publicly. I'll post new content for another game on here on August 7th. If you would like to see Boyfriend Summon updated, then please consider joining my Patreon! There are Boyfriend Summon tiers in which you can choose a boyfriend to receive new scenes & there are polling tiers in which you can vote for Boyfriend Summon to be updated in monthly polls.

Friday, July 16, 2021

DesireLines Games

Hello! This is DesireLines! I make games. You can find me on a whole bunch of different sites!


Patreon is where you can support me and receive early content! is where you can play my games online without download (note: it's also possible to download games on

Discord is the easiest place to communicate with me. I have public game files on discord that can be downloaded easily.

Twitter is the place where I do a bunch of fun weekly polls.

I'm on a bunch of different furry sites. FA and sofurry are the biggest two sites out of all of them.

I have my own website as well.